He Crawling, Looking at Food With Great Appetite, DROOLING Because Never Seen Such Delicious Food

Mar 9, 2023

Everyone, help me, I'm begging you, help the dog... He's terrible, in a very dismal condition. It breaks my heart to see him crawling with his injured body, especially knowing that he's a big dog, which makes it all the more difficult for him. I watched as he lifted his pelvis up and tried to prop up his legs to walk, but he just couldn't.

Leaving him in the street isn't an option. He won't be able to protect himself or run away from danger. Unfortunately, we're not allowed to do anything with him, not even put a collar on him. All we can do is try to feed him a little to regain his strength.

We took the dog to Moscow to check him out, and the doctor had to take X-rays of his feet and spine to see if there were any metastases, as the preliminary diagnosis was "Adrenal Cancer." Tomorrow they're inviting cardiologists and endocrinologists to further evaluate his condition.

The neurologist said that the dog had a spine problem and Grade 3 neurasthenia (out of 6). Despite all this, Vikusha wants to live, to fight this hard life. We can't abandon him now.

Day 20: Vikusha starts to stand up. He's no longer afraid, and we'll help him practice walking again.

Day 60: Vikusha is still in foster care, but we're not giving up. His favorite food is canned meat, and he looks at it with great appetite, drooling because he's never seen such delicious food before.

Day 91: Vikusha has recovered a lot, and he's becoming more and more beautiful and attractive. We're still fighting for him, and he's wrapped in care, care, and love.

Day 125: Vikusha has found a very happy life, and he's now surrounded by people who care for him. He's no longer crawling on the street, looking at food with great appetite and drooling because he's never seen such delicious food before.

We call him Vikusha, and he's proof that with a little bit of care and love, we can help even the most injured and hopeless creatures.